Climate Activists Who Are Making Every Day Earth Day

Publish Date: April 22nd, 2022

Need some inspiration this Earth Day? Here are a few climate activists that motivate us to help take care of the earth and may spark inspiration for you too!

National Climate Activists

Licypriya Kangujam

Licypriya-addressing-the-World-leaders-at-UN-Climate-Conference-2019--COP25--in-Madrid--Spain.-PC---UNFCCCLicypriya Kangujam is a climate activist from India who spoke at the United Nations Climate Conference in 2019 at just nine years old. In her 12 years of life, Licypriya has seen the impacts of climate change through an earthquake in Nepal, air pollution in Delhi, cyclones in Odisha, and more across the world. Seeing these events firsthand sparked her advocacy for climate action and clean air efforts. Now, Licypriya has traveled to over 30 countries and spoken at over 400 institutions to advocate for climate change.

Dr. Genevieve Guenther

web3.Genevieve_Guenther_East_Hampton__040A9336_112574_RT1_V2a_QCDr. Genevieve Guenther is the founder of End Climate Silence (a volunteer organization that uses digital activism to share about the climate crisis with the urgency needed), author of The Language of Climate Politics, and an expert in climate communication and fossil fuel disinformation. Originally a Renaissance scholar and literary critic, she got involved in climate advocacy after she had a son and realized her concern for the world that her child might grow up in if climate change continues.

“There is a name for the unprecedented intensity and scale and relentlessness of extreme-weather disasters. Climate change. If you fail to mention that, it gives people the impression that it’s not happening.”

Local Climate Activists

Xiuhtezcatl Martinez

LedeXiuhtezcatl Martinez is a 19-year-old Indigenous hip-hop artist and climate activist from Boulder, Colorado. He has been invested in climate justice since he was six years old and inspired by his mother’s activism. He got his start in advocacy by speaking at rallies in Colorado and now he uses art, music, and storytelling to inspire young people to act against climate change.

“I don’t want to change the world. I think the narrative of wanting to change the world is a lot less tangible for people and I think it actually often removes people from feeling empowered to create small change… It begins with how we change our lives, our communities, our culture, and that influences humanitarian change in the world. And the world is fine. If you look at Earth, like it’s all good. Humans are the ones that need to do some work.”

350 Colorado

350 Colorado is an organization working to solve the climate crisis and move towards a more sustainable future. Their goals include a fossil-free future, a just and equitable transition to a sustainable future, creative climate solutions, and a livable climate for everyone. 350 Colorado was created in 2009 during a national campaign by that aimed to organize a network of grassroots groups working to solve the climate crisis. This movement, along with years of wildfires, floods, rising temperatures, and Colorado’s fracking boom sparked the need for 350 Colorado.

350 Colorado has plenty of ways to get involved, including groups to join across the Front Range, campaigns to participate in, youth opportunities, and a full event calendar.

Every Day is Earth Day at Namaste Solar

Namastaliens clearly love protecting the environment and doing their part to fight climate change. From joining in on climate marches and helping people go solar to picking up trash and changing habits to be more environmentally friendly, we try to find ways to leave the earth better than we found it.

For Earth Day this year, many of us are participating in a community clean-up day in the neighborhood where our Denver office is located as well as an electronic recycling drive throughout the week. Check out our “How to be Eco-Friendly” blog to learn more ways to make every day Earth Day!

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