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Two installers on a roof laying solar panels

About Us

Not Just Another Solar Company

We’re built from the ground up to be better. As one of the only locally born and raised Colorado solar companies still in business after 20 years, we’ve built a long track record of success while also creating something unique: an employee-owned cooperative that runs its business as a force for good in our communities. What’s the secret to our success? People come to work here out of a desire to align their work and their values. And when you love what you do, why you’re doing it, and the people you work alongside, you do outstanding work.

Namaste Solar employee speaking with customer next to open van

Transforming Business

Business can be a powerful engine for change in our communities, and that’s what we’re trying to do here at Namaste Solar. Not only do we transform the power of the sun into electricity, we’re also transforming the way businesses operate. We’re pioneering conscientious business practices, such as employee ownership and holistic stakeholder wealth, that result in a higher quality of life for employees, a superior quality experience for customers, and a positive impact on our wider stakeholder communities.

Read more about Namaste Solar in our 2023 public benefit report or our 2024 Impact by the Numbers.

Pillars of Employee-Ownership

Cooperative Ownership

We share the risks and rewards of business ownership.

Democratic Decision-Making

Major decisions are made on a one-person, one-vote basis.

Extreme Transparency

We practice open book management and hold open meetings.

Our Core Values

Distributed Leadership

We foster leadership at all levels by encouraging drivership of new ideas, providing space for risk taking, and valuing diverse perspectives.

Ownership Mindset

We engage in co-creating our success as an employee-owned cooperative through a commitment to accountability and collaborative practices.

Long-Term Thinking

We prioritize long-term over short-term thinking by intentionally considering the impacts of our decisions on all our stakeholders.

We measure success holistically by balancing the interests of our customers, investors, community, company, ourselves, and the Earth.

Come as You Are

We cultivate an inclusive environment for people to bring their authentic selves to work and encourage a sense of community, having fun, and leaning on each other for support.


We work to build justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion by uncovering and dismantling oppressive systems in ourselves, in our company, and in our community.

Frank, Open, Honest

We practice frank, open, honest (FOH) communication in a respectful and kind manner by encouraging empathy and recognizing the power dynamics inherent in our interactions.


We foster a culture of safety by holding ourselves accountable for our own and other’s physical, interpersonal, and emotional safety.

Awards & Certifications